Now More Than Ever
Your guide to creating and recording memorable and secure passwords
Now, more than ever, passwords need to be safe and secure. Almost every day we hear about various hacking exploits, a recent one being people hacking in to home security cameras and talking to residents or messing with alarms. And one of the most commonly repeated tip is to have different passwords for every site. But how do you keep track of so many passwords? It seems impossible to create and remember a different password for every website, bank account or home security system. Guess what - it's not.Â
This book explains an easy and systematic way you can create a different password for each site with detailed, step-by-step instructions.
This second edition now has 102 pages to record up to 306 accounts and passwords. And the best part is, you won't have to keep this book hidden away, because even though you are writing down your passwords, no one but you will know what your passwords are.